Synthetic Monitoring

Simulate visitor interaction with your site to monitor the end user experience.

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Simulate visitor interaction

Identify bottlenecks and speed up your website.

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Real User Monitoring

Enhance your site performance with data from actual site visitors

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Real user insights in real time

Know how your site or web app is performing with real user insights

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Infrastructure Monitoring Powered by SolarWinds AppOptics

Instant visibility into servers, virtual hosts, and containerized environments

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Comprehensive set of turnkey infrastructure integrations

Including dozens of AWS and Azure services, container orchestrations like Docker and Kubernetes, and more 

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Application Performance Monitoring Powered by SolarWinds AppOptics

Comprehensive, full-stack visibility, and troubleshooting

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Complete visibility into application issues

Pinpoint the root cause down to a poor-performing line of code

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Log Management and Analytics Powered by SolarWinds Loggly

Integrated, cost-effective, hosted, and scalable full-stack, multi-source log management

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Collect, search, and analyze log data

Quickly jump into the relevant logs to accelerate troubleshooting

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Young IT prodigies

Today computers are everywhere and the Internet has established itself in everyday life. This has led to a new generation that is growing up with computers and the Internet as a completely natural part of their lives. The future of the IT industry belongs to them. We looked around and found a few astonishing kids […]

New Pingdom feature: Get daily status emails

We almost forgot to tell you about a new feature we snuck into the Pingdom uptime monitoring service a few weeks ago. As with many of our features, this one was added by popular request from our users (who we would like to thank for all the wonderful feedback we have been receiving). Now you, […]

Javascript framework usage among top websites

Which Javascript frameworks are the most common? To answer that question, we here at Pingdom have examined a set of almost 200 popular websites to see if they use a Javascript framework, and in that case which framework they have chosen. The websites were collected from the Alexa US Top 100 and the Webware Top […]

14 useful and FREE online tools for DNS and network troubleshooting

When troubleshooting network or DNS problems related to your website, server or other online services, it can be very useful to have access to online tools that can help you narrow down the problems. This article contains 14 useful online tools that can help you with this. And they are all free. We will go […]

IT posters to cover your empty walls

If you’re like us and have lots of empty wall space in your office you need to check out this list. We have collected a list of posters that focus on interesting information rather than nice-looking sunsets. And of course all are computer and network related. We will definitely be ordering or printing some of […]

Workstations with a gazillion screens

Having just one screen per workstation is enough for most people. Everyone in the Pingdom office has two screens per workstation. We find that that is a nice sweet spot, with a good deal of screen real estate without taking up too much space. But there are people out there who think having two screens […]

54 out of the US top 100 websites fail Yahoo’s performance test

We have used Yslow, Yahoo’s performance plugin to Firefox, to analyze the performance of the top 100 websites in the US according to Alexa. The results were both surprising and interesting. Yslow will rank websites using 13 different criteria that are known to affect website performance, such as the number of HTTP request, how scripts […]

Google Analytics dominates the top 500 websites

Google Analytics has only been available for about two years, but is already used by one third of the top 500 websites in the world. We here at Pingdom use Google Analytics ourselves and were curious to see how many of the top web properties out there use it. We put the Alexa global top […]

Roller coaster website performance?

Have you ever noticed if your site tends to perform great during part of the day, only to slow down to a crawl at other times? You may be suffering from what we here at Pingdom sometimes call the roller coaster syndrome. For example, below is a real-world example for the popular social music site […]

Smart and funny use of Google Adwords

Text ads can be smart, funny, and sometimes unintentionally hilarious when they show up in the wrong context. David, our web designer and marketing maestro here at Pingdom was surfing the web last night and put together a list of really funny and original text ads from Google Adwords. We liked them so much that […]

Original ways to use excess heat from data centers

Data centers are stacked with computer equipment. All that equipment generates heat, a lot of it, which is just wasted energy. Reusing at least some of that wasted energy seems like a good idea. But first it would be nice to know how much excess heat is actually produced by a data center. IBM should […]

Gallery of Network Operations Centers

A Network Operations Center rests at the heart of every telecom network or major data center, a place to keep an eye on everything. Some of these NOCs are really “dressed to impress”, while others have taken a more mundane approach. So, for inspiration, here is a set of pictures of different NOCs from telecom […]

Twitter tweets about Pingdom

We were curious about what people on Twitter are saying about Pingdom, so we used Tweet Scan (a search engine for public messages on Twitter) to look for tweets about us. Here are some of the tweets we found about our uptime monitoring service. We have thousands of users, so some of them were bound […]

Record sales in 2008 make downtime expensive for travel websites

Online travel sales are at an all-time high, and they keep growing. In this competitive market it is increasingly important for travel websites to always be available to their customers. Website downtime is basically the same thing as closing the shop and will drive both sales and customers away to competing services. To see how […]

Pingdom, Tool of the Week at SEOmoz

SEOmoz has selected the Pingdom uptime monitoring service as their Tool of the Week and have given us a very positive review in their blog. They have a lot of nice things to say about Pingdom. The review looks at our alerts, reports and some of our other features as well as the general usefulness […]

How to set up detailed website monitoring

The basic premise is this: You have a website you want to monitor. It’s important to you that it works, and you need to know right away when there is a problem with it. This article will show you how you can set up highly detailed monitoring of your website using the Pingdom end user monitoring. […]

What the inside of a container data center looks like

There has been a lot of talk about container data centers lately (sometimes also called modular data centers). Most of the time we are only presented with an image of a branded shipping container, but let’s face it, all the interesting stuff is on the inside! So, since we were curious, we here at Pingdom […]

The Asian approach to web hosting site design

There is no denying that there are some significant cultural differences between East and West. Since we here at Pingdom deal a lot with web hosting companies and are generally interested in the hosting industry, we have on occasion stumbled upon some Asian hosting websites which to our Western eyes have a very different look […]

A bit of FeedBurner goodness

We started using FeedBurner just a couple of months ago. This has allowed us to get some reasonable statistics on the number of people who have subscribed to the Royal Pingdom RSS feed. We are happy to say that the numbers have been growing, slowly but steadily. Lately, our blog has started to go above […]

Social network downtime Jan-Apr 2008

This survey shows how much 16 of the largest and most popular social network sites have been unavailable during the first four months of 2008. How much has MySpace, Facebook, Friendster, Twitter, LiveJournal and many others been offline? Read on to find out. The monitoring for this survey was done using the Pingdom uptime monitoring […]

SolarWinds Observability now offers synthetic transaction monitoring

Powerful transaction monitoring now complements the availability and real user [...]

Exit Rate vs Bounce Rate – Which One You Should Improve and Why

Tracking your website’s exit and bounce rates will give you insight into how [...]

Introduction to Observability

These days, systems and applications evolve at a rapid pace. This makes analyzi [...]

Webpages Are Getting Larger Every Year, and Here’s Why it Matters

Last updated: February 29, 2024 Average size of a webpage matters because it [...]

A Beginner’s Guide to Using CDNs

Last updated: February 28, 2024 Websites have become larger and more complex [...]

Monitor your website’s uptime and performance

With Pingdom's website monitoring you are always the first to know when your site is in trouble, and as a result you are making the Internet faster and more reliable. Nice, huh?

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