Synthetic Monitoring

Simulate visitor interaction with your site to monitor the end user experience.

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Simulate visitor interaction

Identify bottlenecks and speed up your website.

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Real User Monitoring

Enhance your site performance with data from actual site visitors

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Real user insights in real time

Know how your site or web app is performing with real user insights

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Infrastructure Monitoring Powered by SolarWinds AppOptics

Instant visibility into servers, virtual hosts, and containerized environments

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Comprehensive set of turnkey infrastructure integrations

Including dozens of AWS and Azure services, container orchestrations like Docker and Kubernetes, and more 

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Application Performance Monitoring Powered by SolarWinds AppOptics

Comprehensive, full-stack visibility, and troubleshooting

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Complete visibility into application issues

Pinpoint the root cause down to a poor-performing line of code

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Log Management and Analytics Powered by SolarWinds Loggly

Integrated, cost-effective, hosted, and scalable full-stack, multi-source log management

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Collect, search, and analyze log data

Quickly jump into the relevant logs to accelerate troubleshooting

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Website Load Time

Fast website loading times keeps your visitors happy, engaged, and on your site for longer. With SolarWinds® Pingdom®, you can monitor your site’s load times and easily identify and fix issues causing pages to run slowly, helping ensure a smooth user experience across your site.

Page speed dashboard

Monitor Webpage Speed

Pingdom provides continuous monitoring of the speed of your webpages. From tracking page speed to detecting loading issues, Pingdom can help you understand and optimize the end-user experience.

  • Speed monitoring – Pingdom can monitor your website’s speed every 30 minutes, from over 100 servers located around the globe.
  • Script load times – The load times of scripts and style sheets can significantly affect the speed of your pages. Pingdom breaks down the data to provide an accurate record of how fast each script is loading across your website.
  • Media minification – Bloated assets are another issue potentially increasing website load time. Pingdom can analyze your images and videos and identify large files impairing load times. You can then look at optimizing these specific files to help improve page speed.
  • Pingdom filmstrip feature – Pingdom takes a screenshot every 500ms during the page loading process. These are then turned into slow-motion filmstrips for you to view, giving you a clear understanding of how long each asset takes to render and the order in which they load. This information can be used to make key changes—such as optimizing and re-ordering assets to ensure the most important elements on your page load quickly and appear first to your audience.
Page Speed Timeline

Website Content Optimization

Website content optimization is a long-term project a website monitoring solution can help inform. To see enhanced website performance on a large scale, you need to implement small, ongoing, incremental changes, and then track and monitor performance over time to ensure success.

  • Performance metrics – Analyze an array of metrics, so you get the full picture of how your website is performing. This includes overall load time, performance grades, page size, number of requests, and more. This data can be tracked over time, so you can see if the changes you have made are making a difference.
  • Make data-driven decisions – Use data to make informed decisions on website content optimization strategies. Prioritize tasks, identify where extra development is necessary, and expand the scope of alterations and improvements across your website. By implementing data-driven changes, your site will reap long-term performance-related benefits.

Website Performance Monitoring

Pingdom provides a complete set of capabilities to monitor website availability and performance.

  • Automate interactions with API – Pingdom uses a RESTful and HTTP-based API, so users can automate interactions with the Pingdom system. It helps you create customized scripts and applications and makes communication easier through normal HTTP requests.
  • Uptime ping monitor – Pingdom checks website availability on the minute, every minute, and alerts you when it detects issues. Receive alerts via SMS, email, or push notification, or choose to integrate the service with your favorite app. Once you’ve received an alert, you can immediately begin to fix the problem, helping ensure your site visitors suffer minimal disruption.
  • Transaction monitoring – Ensure critical user interactions are working smoothly on your website, including the sign-up and checkout processes, contact forms, and search functionality. Set up notifications, so as soon as a step in the transaction fails, you can be alerted.

Webpage Monitoring Based on Real User Experience

Monitor millions of pageviews and gain instant visibility into the end-user experience with scalable real user monitoring (RUM).

  • Live maps – Live mapping help you visualize real-time data based on the number of outages and common error messages from across 100+ geographic locations. Discover trending devices, browsers, and platforms used by your visitors across the world with Pingdom live map and optimize your web application accordingly.
  • Page load performance – Set website performance levels or capture performance metrics like Apdex score to know how satisfied your customers are with the response time of your website. Monitor your webpages’ overall health and track issues with specific webpage elements by looking into metrics like load times and time to first byte.
  • User behavior metrics – Compare daily, monthly, or quarterly data up to a year prior and identify web performance improvement areas. Analyze user behavior based on the top-visited pages where they spend most of their time, top browsers they use to access your website, the number of active sessions, and bounce rates.
Pingdom Alerting

Monitor and Share Website Performance

Troubleshoot performance issues by implementing the changes based on your findings—share customer satisfaction scores and high-level summaries of your website’s performance with key stakeholders or clients.

  • Set alerts – Pingdom sends alerts if it detects an outage that interrupts your website’s performance. Teams can customize alerts to notify specific members or a fixed number of people to ensure the right people are contacted to deliver a fast response to website issues.
  • Understand, share, and customize reports – Pingdom provides several types of reports, such as uptime, transaction, page speed, RUM, and email. These easy-to-understand reports consist of clear visual graphs and charts to help you understand website availability and performance. Teams can filter, customize, and share reports with key stakeholders.
  • Public status pages – With a Pingdom public status page, organizations can share uptime reports with customers and team members. These pages can be configured to only display relevant checks or show an overview of all checks.


Start Monitoring Your Website's Availability and Load Time

Monitor your site’s load times, and easily identify and fix any issues causing pages to run slowly, ensuring a smooth user experience across your site.

Start monitoring for free